
For Startups

Access visa services for founders & employees now!

The Premier Immigration AI Platform

Streamline your company’s immigration workflows using our AI-powered solutions, crafted by industry experts and immigrants.




AI with Immigration Domain Expertise

Candle provides a suite of AI tools trained on immigration regulations and fine-tuned by experienced immigration attorneys from the most respected immigration law firms.

Discover the power of our entire AI tools suite. Schedule a demo today!




Unprecedented Immigration Productivity

By partnering with experienced immigration attorneys, we offer personalized support tailored to your needs, whether you're a startup or an enterprise.

Candle AI for Startups

As immigrants ourselves, we understand the immigration journey. Candle automates the generation of immigration paperwork, including O-1A, EB-1A, and EB-2 NIW visas, saving you time and money.

Candle AI for Enterprises

Candle automates steps and develops AI solutions to streamline immigration workflows for enterprises. We eliminate hurdles in the immigration process, ensuring your company can secure top talent.




Your Trusted Immigration Partner

Our dedicated team delivers effective AI solutions with a focus on personalized service.

Pioneering the Future of Immigration Law

We explore each step of the entire immigration journey. We focus on deeply understanding pain points and immigration workflows before developing AI solutions, ensuring our tools are practical, impactful, and transformative.

Crafted by Top Industry Experts

Our team, composed of professionals from immigration, product development, and AI, reflects our commitment to advancing immigration services. This diverse expertise ensures we provide innovative and reliable solutions for your immigration needs.

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Streamline immigration with Candle

Experience the convenience and efficiency of Candle's immigration services.

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Copyright © 2024 Candle AI, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024 Candle AI, Inc.

All rights reserved.